No seriously, how many hours are in a day? Because I feel like the days keep getting shorter. And I don't mean daylight savings garbage like...oh the sun is going down earlier; shoot it's going to get dark soon. I mean...I'm sitting here looking at the clock that says 9:22pm, having just finished setting up my sourdough dough for tomorrow morning, cleaning up the kitchen, putting away a load of laundry that I just folded, eating a yogurt because dinner was three hours ago and I'm hungry, and I'm like...I still have items on my to-do list. What the hell happened?
I don't start my days off too late either, I do have a 2-year-old. Although, she is the BEST sleeper in the history of sleepers. I will put this girl down to bed between 6-6:30pm and she will wake up around 7-7:30am, lay in her crib and just chill, make her morning poop, and start talking for me to get her between 7:30 and 8:00am. She is the GOAT, at least in this house full of kids.
But for real, I wake up around 7:30am every morning, get the baby, change the baby, and get coffee. The longest part of my morning is feeding Ry, which is a story for another post because while she may be the GOAT with sleeping, this girl will not eat food unless it's pureed.
All day long is stuff. Making bread first thing in the AM, cleaning the kitchen after, feeding the children, going for a family walk, trying to do schoolwork for at least 30 minutes to an hour, making myself something to eat, nap time = my workout time while the kids eat lunch and get some tv time, and the next thing I know it's bath and bed-time, dinner for my older three and I'm trying to figure out where the second half of the day went.
It's a blur. And as much as I want these days to fly by, and they are, the weeks are going by slow as molasses in wintertime. Time has become an oxymoron. The days are flying by fast as can be, but the weeks are dragging making me feel almost like we are standing still. I hate it.
But I'm also trying to figure out when in the heck I'm going to get to my deployment to-do list that I made for myself done if at the end of the day I got only the most basic of household chores done (like finally folding the laundry that's been sitting in a basket on my bedroom floor for over a week).
Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love having a clean home. Yes, I know my children live and here and are making memories, but I need order to function, and since I made my children, they'll just have to deal with their mom picking things up off the floor and asking them to do the same. All. Day. Long. I just don't want having a clean home (which is almost a necessity for me) to be my biggest accomplishment each day.
I want to start writing regularly again...but that takes time. Time, I don't seem to have. But I'm making time.
I am a creature of habit. I tried making a summer schedule for us to follow for the summer M-F, but my children are just creatures and wreak havoc on my sense of orderliness, so we are one month in to summer and still trying to find a balance that works lol.
We are getting through our days at lightning speed, yet every Sunday seems to get here as fast as Flash moves from Zootopia. Oh more day done and gone. PS: It's now 10:22pm as I go to post bout that?!